
Mary Parsons
Mary has 30 years’ experience in the development, construction and regeneration industry; working across the private, Housing Association and consultancy sectors. She has been involved in some of the largest housing-led regeneration programmes in the UK. She was with Places for People Group for 15 years and was a Group Main Board Director for a decade, responsible for their large scale developments, regeneration and new places. She joined Lovell in 2020, a major national housebuilder and part of the Morgan Sindall Group as national Regeneration & Partnerships Director and Divisional Board member. Her current responsibilities include a number of strategic joint ventures with public sector partners.
Mary is immediate past Chair of the Town & Country Planning Association, was a Commissioner for the National Housing Federation’s national Great Places Commission, for the Government’s Building Better Building Beautiful Commission and the ‘No Place Left Behind’ Commission into levelling up and community-led regeneration.
She is a member of the University of Cambridge’s Property Board including their award winning new neighbourhood at Eddington, a Non-Executive Director of Aviva Capital Partners and is Trustee and Chair of MOBIE, an education and skills charity founded by TV Presenter and Architect, George Clarke, to attract the next generation into housing and construction.