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Living wall


Danielle Gillespie

Danielle Gillespie

Director Director of Regeneration, Partnerships & Major Projects, Homes England

With almost 20 years in the housing sector, Danielle's career spanned private consultancy,  a national Housing Association and a Regeneration Pathfinder before joining Homes England. She now leads the Agency's activities in the Cities and Major Conurbations Team working in partnership with civic leaders and industry partners to help build more homes, improve affordability and create a more resilient and diverse housing market.

Often at the forefront of shaping and then implementing new initiatives, Danielle is currently guiding Homes England's input into Stockport Town Centre Mayoral Development Corporation, Warrington Growth Partnership and the 17,000 home Lancashire City Deal which she co-chairs. Nationally, she is also leading on the development of a new single pipeline of opportunities to unlock housing, alongside new ways of collaborating with Combined Authorities. 

Danielle holds a first class honours degree in Economics and an MBA in Urban Regeneration and steps from big picture strategy development to the fine grain of a development appraisal with ease. Her real passion though, is making delivery happen on the ground; but in a more joined-up way which fully exploits the interplay between housing, transport, economy and the social benefits that can be realised for communities.

