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Delivering the Future City Conference Event Partner rights package

Living wall


All 'Delivering the Future City Conference' Event Packages will include the following rights:

  • 2 x delegate places across both days, including networking breakfast and lunch

  • Table-top opportunities for company display across both days

  • On stage screen branding and event partner recognition, with enhanced branding if you are sponsoring a specific session

  • Partner/sponsor recognition with branding across all event screens on each day

All sponsors will be invited to speak where appropriate (but not guaranteed).

  • Company holding slide on screens throughout the venue

  • Sponsor/event logo lock-up to use across your social media channels

  • Company profile, blog, spotlight and feature opportunities on event website

  • Logo on event website

  • Advertising space on event website  

  • Session partner recognition across all mentions ie ‘sponsored by’

  • Logo feature on all event specific emails

  • Social media posts before and during the event

  • Social media tags in post event thank you

  • Slide pack distribution to all delegates
